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"Literacy Launchpad has been an excellent experience for Michael. His love of books has grown by leaps and bounds. Ms. Amy has a wonderful way of getting the children to really become part of the book they are reading. She uses crafts to reinforce the story and the kids love the interaction between hearing about something and then making it with their own hands." - Laura J.
"... Zane usually would recap what was read the week before in class. It is amazing what recall and enthusiasm he has when talking about the stories he has read. This program has been/will continue to be a great growing experience for Zane. Thank you for all you do Ms. Amy! You are a blessing and enrichment for my child as well as others!" - Lisa H.
"... As a parent, I feel Emily has a wonderful foundation for learning and reading as she starts kindergarten this fall. I believe that Literacy Launchpad played a significant role in building that foundation. Thank you, Amy!" - Julie A.
"... I am thankful for the time you spend in preparing each lesson – it shows!Thank you for providing such an enriching program." - Heather C.
“... not only did the program help her read better but it also helped her enjoy reading! She had always liked books – looking at the pictures and reading some of the words but in Literacy Launchpad, she learned to LOVE books. My daughter gained a true appreciation of stories and of the written word. My daughter is in second grade now and is excelling in all areas. She is in a reading group and in all the accelerated classes. We own hundreds of books and visit the library weekly. In fact, she has taught ME to enjoy books!”
“This is such a big, fun way to combine story time with an engaging project.” - Michelle A.
“... It is a wonderful program that introduces the children to literacy concepts and works on their comprehension skills at a level they easily understand.” - Marti J.
I LOVE that idea!!!!!! Fantastic!
Oh my gosh! This is such a cool idea!!! I want to try it with our little guys!
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