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Monday, August 17, 2009

After Burning the Midnight Oil...

... I always end up with happy students! Yeah, so I don't always have my lessons ready weeks in advance. What teacher does? My students don't know that though. Nor do they care. They just care that I come to class with super cool books, and super fun stuff to do with those cool books!

This week's story was The Apple Pie That Papa Baked by Lauren Thompson. We discussed the format, how the book starts at the end of the story (or process of making apple pie) and works back to the beginning. Then we used story cards to put the steps of making an apple pie in order.

Each student got to take a turn clipping their story card onto our story line (jump rope), and at the end we ended up with the complete story line pictured above.

Then we told our own story. Our story began, "On the last day of summer vacation I..." Each student took a turn adding something to the story, after each addition we recapped all the previous additions to the story. There were lots of giggles when someone tried to sneak something in about going "potty" on their turn. Ah, to be a preschooler again.

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